In about two weeks Lil D will be 15 months.
Celebrating 31 years with Mommy at the Habachi Grill
Losing some inches --- no real weight lost. Went to the gym for 3 weeks straight then stopped. I'm too tired to continue waking up at 4:45 to get to the gym before work.
Wilmington, DE for Mother's Day Weekend
Hotel Dupont
Dinner in the City Memorial Day Weekend
Lil D at 15 Months . . .
- Climbing steps
- Running
- Mini explorer would rather roam around store than be confided to cart or stroller
- Loves to open drawers and pull everything out onto the floor
- Loves pineapple juice
- Favorite foods -- black beans with brown rice | Wheat thins | guacamole
- Has a fascination with pulling the tops off of pens
- Loves to rummage through Mommy's handbag
- More vocal then before... Will have a five minute "conversation" with you in her language
- Loves to help out by placing things in trash bag/baskets
- Understands "thank you" and "welcome"
- Learning to express her feelings by screaming, "talking", and grunting
- about 21 pounds
Going to the Doctor in two weeks for vaccinations and 15 month check up. We've been so busy we forgot her one-year check up, so its catch up time.