Hospitals Are Failing Black Women

If you have been reading my blog you know I am a strong advocate for natural birth. A coworker just shared an article in which Serena Williams shared her birth story. Let's just say after reading it a range of emotions hit me at once. EMPATHY. . . SADNESS. . . ANGER. . . PAIN. Here is a woman who is in superior shape, her body is flawlessly perfect, unable to experience a birth without complications. This has transcended socio-economics and reached the common denominator, RACE. Black women are dying at a rate THREE times higher than white women during childbirth. This seems like a conspiracy, right?! How is this happening? Why has this not been shouted from the rooftops, similar to the MMR vaccine effecting Black boys so severely? What does the CDC and WHO have to say about this? Not much because the crime is against Black women.


I have been in a heightened state of awareness in regards to how the "system" has been set up to reduce the population of certain demographics {read between the lines}. I am currently reading, BLACK MATTERS: The Scientific Intervention In Our Affairs by ZaZa Ali, and my mind is just blown away by her research. If you want FACTS with peer-reviewed sources please get all three volumes of her book. She speaks about Eugenics, abortion, and birthing a new nation. She shares how sinister and vile the system truly is in regards to melanated people. Its like if you can not sterilize us with faulty birth control, or persuade us with abortions, you catch us on the back end with killing us via C-sections and unnecessary birth interventions. 

I am tired of hearing about women dying during or after the labor of their first child due to C-Section complications. It's crazy!  Check out these articles on the topic:


Serena Williams Almost Died After Giving Birth. Her Story Is Shared By Black Women Across America

I pray we have a birth advocate in Serena Williams after her bout with giving birth in this country. 

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Maternal Death In The United States

 My baby sister just lost a friend. She was a L+D nurse who died less than a week after having a CSection. In addition to being a new mommy, she was a newlywed. It's such a shame, and according to my sister her CSection was not medically necessary. Women are dying because of the method in which they have decided to give birth and its definitely being sweep under the proverbial rug. I have gotten into many heated argument with women who feel they is nothing wrong with having a CSection and that its better for their baby. I won't get on my soapbox and rant about my response to such ignorance, but I will offer you the cold, hard facts. Please check them out and make a more informed decision.

The Facts

  • The United States has a higher ratio of maternal deaths than at least 40  other countries, even though it spends more money per capita for  maternity care than any other.{Source} {Source}
  • The lack of a comprehensive, confidential system of ascertainment of  maternal death designed to record and analyze every maternal death  continues to subject U.S. women to unnecessary risk of preventable  mortality. Maternal deaths must be reviewed to make motherhood safer.  The United Kingdom’s Confidential Enquiry into Maternal and Child Health  is considered the “gold standard” of national professional  self-evaluation. {Source}  {Source}
  • Whenever a maternal death occurs in the UK, CEMACH is automatically notified, and a multidisciplinary team of individuals who do not work at the hospital where the death occurred is dispatched to review all of the woman’s records. In sharp contrast, when a maternal death takes place in the US, there is usually no review of the case external to the hospital in question, and all employees with knowledge of the death are warned to keep silent about it. {Source}
  • Gut colonization by microbes is delayed in C-sectioned babies, which may explain in part why these infants have a harder time fighting off infections. {Source}
  • Another vital point: We have a US Standard Certificate of Death. In 1979 and 1989, it was proposed that this certificate should include a question asking if the deceased had been pregnant in the year previous to death. Inclusion of this question has been shown to significantly increase the count of maternal deaths. Amazingly, this question was not adopted in the US Standard Certificate until 2003. However—and this is a big however—the federal government does not require that the states use the US Standard Certificate, and most still don’t! {Source}

 The list can go on and on. I completely understand the need for a CSection in an emergency situation. However, what I have witnessed is women being bullied into unnecessary interventions that lead to their baby's being in distress and ultimately CSections.