Lil' D is 7 months old!!

This past weekend we celebrated my sister's bridal shower. We had a blast! Lil' D and I took our first train ride together-- take about tedious! She slept the entire ride coming and going so that was pleasant, but the amount of luggage I had to schlep on the stroller was insane. I was stressed from the journey. Anyway, TJ of Tunji Sarumi Photography took the time before the festivities to have an impromptu photo shoot of Lil' D. She was eating it up, posing and smiling.

Lil' D is pulling herself up to stand. She turns her head from side to side to focus on an object. She tries to mimic people's facial expressions and she loves to smile and laugh out loud. She started to say "mama" {much to her Papi's chagrin}.

Photo Credit: Tunji Sarumi Photography 


After actively trying to get preggo for a year, my husband and I hit the jack pot and will be celebrating the birth of our first child in the new year.  To say I'm excited is not enough . . . let's find a better adjective. I'm ablaze with happiness and anticipation!

I'm 12 weeks and 5 days pregnant and already I've picked the furniture for our baby's nursery (it's dazzling), chosen the theme and decor for the baby shower, and decided on baby names. Definitely type-A behavior. What can I say?!* 

This blog will be an electronic journal of my prenatal through postpartum adventures. Unlike my event planning blog (here) Not The Nanny will offer a more personal look into my life and I will be giving my sometimes biased opinion on touchy subjects, such as breast feeding and raising multi-cultural kids. This is not meant to offend my readers but to give them an idea about who I am and how I feel about the most important job in the universe . . . being a mommy.

A super big SHOUT OUT to the world's best graphic designer, Jill of 311 Graphics. She created my super cute blog banner and signature. Thank you Jill for another fantastic job!!


Welcome to my blog and please leave plenty of comments.