SJ will be two and a half in two weeks so we made the decision to place her in "school". After an exhausting day of visiting various centers D finally settled on one he loved. I decided to let him handle the task of selecting the center because he knows the area and demographics of each place. He settled on a center that is affiliated with the Catholic church which was a surprise. The center is small (less than 13 kids) and the children wear uniforms. For the past couple of weeks I have been speaking to SJ about attending "school" and how much fun it will be to play with other children. I'll keep you posted on how everything goes.
Our eight week summer holiday is officially over. Back to work, commuting, and pure exhaustion. As least I will have a gradual, ease in schedule for the first week because I only work two days. But I know the following week will be brutal. CC's on again off again schedule will definitely put me in a bad position. I have a longer compute this year, so hopefully I can take a few cat naps while riding the train. In addition, to all of this I will be conducting my research in hopes of completing my doctorate in December. Talk about multi-tasking and not having enough hours in the day. I am looking at this as a 16 week marathon with 3-4 hour nights of sleep, a toddler and an infant, oh and my third child, D. It will be stressful, but my motto is go hard or go home.