Papito is venturing into the world of foods. With each of my children I have become more restrictive with the foods they eat. For instance, we were giving SJ organic whole cow milk from the age of 12 months. For CC, we gave her organic milk for six months then stopped cold turkey. I don't plan to let cow's milk past Papito's lips AT ALL. I am using Dr. Sebi's Nutritional Guide as the basis for all of the pureed food I plan to prepare for Papito.
Stage One Recipes {6-8 months}
Roasted Organic Sweet Potato + Organic Chickpea + Breastmilk
4 Day Wait Rule
"When you introduce a new food over the course of several days, you are better able to determine exactly how your baby is reacting to that food. It is important to follow the “four day wait” rule when introducing your baby to new solid foods, especially in the beginning stage. This is most important if you and/or your family members have a history of food allergies."
Quinoa + Peach
” Mucus is the cause of every disease. Eliminate the mucus you eliminate the disease. ” – Dr. Sebi