For 38 months I sacrificed mind, body, and spirit to be an Assistant Principal in a building fractured by people’s evil intentions, ineffective leadership, and low expectations {for staff and students}. From this experience, I’ve learned so much about the extent to which people who have a personal vendetta against you will go to cause you harm, oftentimes unprovoked. I worked for five years in a building with people with severe personality disorders. I truly appreciated mental health after being witness to the chaos and turmoil allowed to happen with a person’s mental health is left unchecked.
I produced a Valentine’s Day Girl’s group called “I LOVE MYSELF” to have a discourse about the importance of self-love and healthy self-esteem. We also spoke about the relationship between boys and girls, among other things that young women of color experience growing up in Babylon {a.k.a NYC}. It was dynamic and a safe space to share for the girls.
When you are confident and secure with who you are those who aren’t on the same frequency within themselves will become intimidated by you. Keep in mind you are not intimidating. They just are intimidated because of their own insecurities. I know when things aren’t working, the universe is trying to save you from something. I know that you will never be criticized by someone who is doing more than you. The people who have criticized me have done it from a place of their own insecurities and deficiencies.
Having principles, loyalty, and putting the needs of our students first is not everyone’s priority, especially in the space I left. By preparing I’ve eliminated the fear of losing my position based on the vendetta of others. I will wait for what I deserve. I know that being at HRHS didn’t work out because I’m divinely protected and the utter foolishness that was directed at me was not in my best interest.
I planned a Winter Graduation for our Seniors who completed their high school journey in December and January.
As I sit here is a small untraditional high school on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, the third day since my divorce. I am taking the time to plan, be still, and be thankful for the shift. How do you know your manifestation is coming:
1. Loss of something
2. Odd Request
3. Tough Challenges
Check out Master Sri Akarshana speak on this idea of the Law of Attraction below.
I asked for great things, so I know that there will be great sacrifices and huge transformations. I know that without change no improvements can be made. I asked the universe to remove me from the toxic environment that I had to endure on a daily basis, and voilà my prayers were answered. No more holding on to things, I am releasing it all. I am ready to attract only light and positive energy. Being cautious and careful, I am trusting that the universe is preparing me for the greatness that is coming into my life. I’ll continue to vibrate higher.
Dapper Dan and I
A book discussion at the Langston Hughes House on E. 127th Street
I keep my head held high and smile, because there are people who will kill to see me fall. Know your enemy more than he does himself.
During my training as an administrator back in 2014 we had two opportunities to share our Teachable Point of View . Leadership is an attitude, not a routine, or formula, or program. “It is a human activity that comes from the heart and considers the hearts of others” {here}. We had to model a speech we would give during the Back to School Night in our new role as building principal. In it, we had to convey our educational point of view, core values, and our passion for education. After being an AP for 38 months I realized a lot of what I held dear was missing in my work. Time for me to reclaim my time!
After giving my second TPOV my instructor quietly walked over to me and said, “You know white parents don’t want to hear about their kids going to school with black and brown kids.” His statement threw me for a loop and I tried to understand his intention in speaking these words to me. That was five years ago, today I know this to be so true and I know that one of my purposes in life is to create, work with, and be a Change Agent solely focused on the uplifting and enlightenment of POC.
I love myself enough to leave the table when respect is no longer being served. Everywhere I go I prosper. Everything I do always works for me. Back to the drawing board, time to truly manifest greatness without limits. I will say this about the people who were instrumental in me being removed from HRHS . . .
Every action must have a reaction.
As you sow, so shall you reap.
Whatever we put out in the Universe is what comes back to us.
Whatever surrounds us gives us clues to our inner state. I am going to continue to work on being the best me and focusing on spiritual growth and vibrating on a higher frequency, by doing this it will be impossible for me to think about anger, jealousy, or revenge.